Consider this...

The editors at Wine Enthusiast have recently rated and reviewed your wines and we are pleased to share some great news with you. Your wines have received the following scores:

92 ++ Editors' Choice ++ Westbrook Wine Farm 2012 Fait Accompli Red Blend Madera $65

No busses,  no minors,  no smoking,  no frowning and  no guest dogs. Now, if you don’t mind what we don’t have, you are sure to like what we do have:

*Authentic hand crafted wines of quality and conscience.
*Personal and respectful winegrower attention.
*We never do “speed tasting” so please allow at least two hours of time for your visit with us.

BY APPOINTMENT ONLY With appointment only visitation not only do we enjoy the respectful company of serious wine novices and experts but so do they. We are not about the party, we are about the wine and its journey into your glass. With fifty years of winemaking experience, we are very close to getting it right. Join us for a sometimes humorous, sometimes irreverent, always stimulating organoleptic experience at Westbrook Wine Farm Vineyard and Winery. Thank you. 559-868-3499

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Madera Wineries You Must Visit on the Madera Wine Trail


current tasting list

To better provide a safe, personal and pleasurable experience, we are available for tasting by confirmed appointment only. We are not open to the general public. When you come to our family wine farm, you are guests in our home.

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“Ray Krause and Westbrook Wine Farm are true originals in a world that too often settles for the vinous equivalent of elevator music."

Finding Westbrook Wine Farm in the foothills of Madera County is like stumbling upon Willy Wonka’s factory, but for adults who prefer grapes fermented and bottled. I recently spent a day with Ray Krause, the mastermind behind Westbrook, and let me tell you, this guy’s got more stories than a library and wit to match. He’s been in the wine biz longer than Keith Richards has been defying medical science, and he’s got the charisma of a televangelist selling salvation in a bottle. “This is my 61st year in this business, and I’m this close to getting it right,” Ray quipped, grinning like a Cheshire cat who just found the key to the dairy. The man started his winemaking journey at 18, got his enology degree from Fresno State in 1963, and hasn’t looked back since. Well, except to crack open his old textbook 30 years later. “Who knew? Look at all this good information!” he joked. I’m telling you, this guy’s been learning longer than some wines have been aging. Read more...

Dean Kirkland, G.V. Wire Editor
July 2024

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Just wanted to take a moment now that we are home to again thank you for the invitation to visit your vineyards and spend time with you in your tasting room!
We can definitely say that is the most enjoyable visit to a winery we have ever had. Hope you and Tammy are doing well, and hopefully we can come to see you again in the future.
If perchance you are ever in central Florida, please let us know as we would be happy to host dinner for you.

Herman & Debra
Saint Cloud, FL

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We are usually not the ones to write reviews, but after my Wife and I visited Westbrook Wine Farm, we felt very compelled to tell everyone about our experience. Let me start by saying, my wife and I are by no means wine experts, but we are wine lovers, who have tasted many wines from all over and have a good understanding of what we want in a wine that we will be drinking. We also know that everyone’s palate is different, so you may not taste the wine the same way we do. This being said, let me tell you a bit about our experience at Westbrook Wine Farm.

There are Wineries that offer tastings and then there are real-deal Wineries that offer you an experience that you can never forget. Westbrook Wine Farm is the real deal experience and Ray (the owner) is an amazing host & Winemaker, or should I say Wine Artist. When we arrived on site, Ray personally welcomed us and took us on a tour of his property and facilities, minus the vineyards because my wife wore her “Princess shoes” (sandals) LOL! Ray really made it a point to make us feel comfortable, welcomed, and not in a hurry. Ray through casual conversation, got to know us, and our wine preferences. Ray also took the time to explain his wines from vine to end product, which my wife and I appreciated deeply. If you are anything like us, you understand, the personal history & story, of a caring Winemaker can really be showcased in the wine they produce. This leads me to the wines we were privileged to taste and believe me they were good!

As I stated before my Wife and I know what we want in wine and Ray's wine not only checked those boxes but also was able to change our outlook on a couple of types of wine. The first “mind change” was the Barbera wine. My wife cringed; she really doesn’t care for Barbera’s due to the fact they usually are very dry and give her, what she refers to as “Cat tongue”. This wine made her look at Ray and me with a look of amazement. She was blown away that someone could make a Barbera that not only didn’t give her “Cat tongue” but left her wanting more. The second wine that created a “mind change” was the Petite Sirah. Normally neither of us care for a 100% Syrah or a Petite Sirah, but this Petite Sirah was so balanced and rounded out that we both were quite amazed.

It is not often that you get to taste one amazing wine after another, but all the wines we tasted including the “Malmsey Dearest” Malvasia dessert wine, were just absolutely top-notch. We left Rays Winery with an expanded "wine mind", a bunch of great wine, and mission to return sooner rather than later. If you are going to be in the Madera County area, and are a true wine lover, don’t forget to make a reservation to visit Westbrook Wine Farm. You have got to meet Ray; The Owner/Winemaker/Wine Artist and taste the amazing wines that he carefully crafts. You will not be disappointed.

Andrew and Heidi Bagley

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“Hi Ray, congratulations and we need some of this ….probably like …..a lot. Your wines are like the Louis Vuitton of wines, with the leather notes. I like LV little purses………………Kris


We are now pleased to present you with official results for the 2023 Sunset International Wine Competition. Your standings are listed below, including the award(s) you won. In the case of Gold and Double Gold winners, you will find points awarded and judges’ comment(s).

Wine Appellation/ Designation


Special Award



2011 Fait Accompli

Madera County "October Harvest"

Double Gold

Best of Class


Magnificent and mature. Leather, earthy character. Walnut.

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Hi, If you like wine as Sharon and I do, you will enjoy this video. California vino at its finest. This video features one of our dear friends, Ray Krause of Westbrook Wine Farm. Ray makes far and away the finest cabs in the world (that is my humble opinion). Also in the video are presentations of a couple of other "local" wineries that are equally above and beyond in their respective specialty fields of endeavor. The Ficklin Port wine is known world wide and is said to be the finest made. Enjoy the video. It is really cool. And all local San Joaquin Valley people.


Madera Wine Trail - American Grown: My Job Depends on Ag


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Westbrook Wine Farm
49610 House Ranch Road
O' Neals, CA 93645

Dear 2020 Sunset International participant: Congratulations are in order! Your wine has made it all the way to the top level of judging in The Sunset International Wine Competition.

This is no small achievement. Our competition has the honor and distinction of recognizing the best wines produced internationally. This contest drew top-level wines and hand-picked top-notch judges to create a sophisticated and enthusiastic wine experience that is considered to be the most prestigious in the United States. Wines judged here were considered to be a cut above the rest – simply put, the Best of the Best. A standing of this caliber truly showcases the level of wines you produce.

We are now pleased to present you with the official results for The 2020 Sunset International Wine Competition. Your standings are listed below including the award(s) you won, the points awarded, and judges’ comment(s).

  • Wine: 2015 Westbrook Wine Farm Fait Accompli
  • Appellation: Madera County
  • Designation: CSCF
  • Price: $120.00
  • Award: Gold
  • Score: 91

We congratulate this year’s winners and thank each entrant for participating. We look forward to your submission(s) again at next year’s Sunset International Wine Competition.


Debra DelFiorentino
CEO / Executive Director

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Welcome to Westbrook Wine Farm

the Winery

Westbrook Wine Farm is a vineyard and winery in the Sierra Nevada Foothills of eastern Madera County, California, near Bass Lake and Yosemite National Park. Our mountain vineyards are planted to  field blends of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Malbec, Merlot, Petit Verdot, Gros Verdot and Carmenere. We practice sustainable farming and minimalist winemaking. We make our wine in the traditional Claret style by co-fermenting grapes, rather than by making separate varietal wines and blending them. Our Fait Accompli includes six and our Museum, three of the eight red varieties permitted for use in Bordeaux or Meritage style wines.


What to Expect at Westbrook Wine Farm Vineyard and Winery

Boomers were the Millennials of the 60s and they too had to grow up. We are always pleased and excited to welcome those crossing over. We are simply and purposely a winery/winegrower, not an entertainment center masquerading as a winery. Fermentation is just our way of preserving our grapes. A lasting relationship begins with a first impression so we prefer to cultivate and practice tactile, old school “high touch” instead of fashionable, arms-length high tech. We promise respectful and personal winemaker attention to all (boomer, millennial, expert and novice alike) who choose to spend their valuable appointed time visiting and tasting with us (plan on at least two hours.) See our YELP and Google reviews (no, we do not advertise with them). Please, give us a call and come for the wines and an always beautiful day in the Sierra.

Ray and Tammy @ Westbrook Wine Farm Vineyard and Winery, O’Neals, CA 559-868-3499

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Etiquette: Wine Tasting Do’s & Don’ts

The Reservation The majority of wineries in wine country are open to the general public seven days a week, but some are only open on weekends or by appointment; call ahead to ensure
you’re able to go when and where you want and how long the presentation may last. You may wish to ascertain whether they are child, pet or smoker friendly. Many do not permit outside (BYO) food and do not have picnic accommodations. This goes for groups, too. Many wineries need to make special arrangements for groups larger than eight, and some are not able to accommodate groups at all. Arriving on time always makes for a more enjoyable and complete experience for all concerned.

The Prep — Don’t wear perfume or heavily scented cologne to tasting rooms;  the scents can easily overwhelm the subtle aromas in wine – and interfere with your own and others’ experience.

Quick note on decorum: Wineries are wineries, not bars (you are supposed to be tasting, not drinking). Be sure to take weather-appropriate gear (e.g. umbrellas and sturdy shoes during the rainy season). Wearing comfortable and casually attractive clothing to tasting rooms helps set the tone for a socially and mutually respectful outing.  High heels and flip-flops are generally discouraged.

Become engaged and ask questions. After all, you are the reason they exist.  Although alcohol is being served, it’s best to expect to enjoy a relaxed and conversational/educational environment.
Most of all, taste responsibly, drive safely and save any raucous behavior for other more appropriate venues.

News Update

Gold is worth waiting for...

After sixteen years, we received official notice today... read more.

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Gold medal label on a fait accompli bottle

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Madera Barbera WWF bottle

February 26, 2020

We had a bottle recently and I truly noticed how different it was from the “traditional “ Barbera. The sweetness was noticeably low, while the fruit was distinctly noticeable. Easily the best Barbera that I’ve had and one distinctly well above other efforts.  

Thank you!  

J. Parker

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to try it. I still have my notes for your other wines which may find their way to future posts. 

Best regards,  


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Hi Ray,

We drank a bottle of prodigy (2010 Fait accompli) last night and it doing just great, and in the class of my very top French Chateaux.

Jerry 01/01/2019

Jerry M. Woodall
National Medal of Technology
Laureate NAE member and Fellow: AAAS, NAI, APS, IEEE, ECS, AVS
Distinguished Professor
UC Davis

Oh, I saw this from another email, and thought very much the same to be true. The wine is always, for me, a slowly emerging one, which seems to change it's spots a good deal over time, in very classical ways. I don't recall the 2010 having a lot of baby fat to shed, and I think for me it drank awfully well right away, but with lots of promise. I hope I have a bottle or two left!
Yours sincerely,

Mark Arvanigian, PhD
Proprietor, The Wine Bar
Sierra Nut House
7901 N. Blackstone
Fresno, CA, 93720

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Torri D'Oro primitivo di manduria bottle

We're sitting here on the south coast of Iceland enjoying an Italian Primitivo.
It’s not bad, but nothing close to yours.

Barry and Annalie

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The other night we opened a bottle of Madera Barbera 2015, Laurie's vineyard. It was of course, amazing. The next night we finished the last two small glasses in the bottle but wanted a bit more wine so we opened a bottle of Jack's Masterpiece by Hall winery. Hall makes very good (and expensive ) wine but it doesn't hold a candle to yours. You bottle magic. Absolutely delicious magic. thank you!! We will return this summer or fall to replenish our stock.
Hoping all is well,

Kathryn in Long Beach, CA

June 2018

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March 2018

Ray, Thanks for sharing. The article was enlightening. I do understand so many wineries discard their barrels after so many fills amounting to five years or so. Everything from the article makes sense. I am now looking forward to understanding more. Again, your shared articles are always most informative. I should expect nothing less coming from the "John Muir of winemaking." Your growing philosophy and winemaking skills in the Sierras seem fitting of a John Muir association. After all WWF's is established in a region that refers to itself as "the gateway to Yosemite.

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." -- John Muir



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January 2018

Ray, There is no question whose wine I was choosing after the Fresno Teachers and Fresno Unified reached a tentative agreement. Last night, I opened a bottle of your 2010 Fait Accompli with my dinner. After over eighteen months negotiations, I deserved to have something delicious. Thank you,


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October 2017

It truly was a great visit for us and your ease and welcoming nature once again impressed us. We sincerely appreciate your time and exceptional generosity. While we have some excellent souvenirs, your willing friendship is the memory we value and hold closest.


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August 2017


I always enjoy your including me in WWF's story. I learn more every day of the fine wines you are releasing as well as learning more about the varietals’ own story....and always told with words so eloquently written. Surely, how you tell your own story resonates with how you make your own wines....composed beautifully, and always tasteful. Now, that the artist (Kerne Erickson) has completed 30 stunningly beautiful illustrations for my book....we're hoping to have a release date of our own... a book launch coming soon.
Best to the both of you with the coming harvest.

Jerry Stroud, Author
Along The California Wine Trail

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May 2017


What a wonderful treat for you to Invite us in and spend so much time with me and my friends teaching us about wine. Susan and I both agreed that the time with you was one of the best parts of the trip. And there is no comparison with your wine and any other we tried. Susan said that you had a passion for your work like her father did. He was always willing to teach people about jewelry and diamonds and precious stones, why certain cuts were made, how a particular stone was formed. She loves heart shaped rocks. Before we had visited you I had given her a rock heart. After hearing the beautiful story how you made the fireplace, she said that she felt like she needed to leave a piece of her heart in that special place. So she left the heart-shaped rock on your fireplace. We will forever remember our time with you and look forward to seeing you again someday.

All the best my friend.

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If for nothing else, 2017 will be noted as the year of nearly 45 inches of rainfall and our release of two historic Cal-Ital variety wines. Those who have visited with us know that we are all about the wines. We always personally and, without distraction, converse with and pour, for each and every guest here at Westbrook Wine Farm Vineyard and Winery. Our primary focus for twenty years has been crafting complex co-fermented red and white Bordeaux/Meritage style wines. To shake things up a bit, we have now released two exciting, and delicious red Cal-Ital varieties, Primitivo di gioia and Madera Barbera. You simply must taste these wines to believe their depth and unique expression. Definitely not for those who practice flavor avoidance.

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Carmenere leaf fall 2016

Carménère leaf, fall 2016

October 08, 2016:  "Popped a 2005 Fait Accompli  last night. Outstanding. These wines are fabulous. Vibrant, complex, delicious. Not a hint of any loss of vibrancy. These may be ageless!  Have two more of this vintage in the cellar.  Well done.
Randy and Anne"

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2016, A Year with Rain

October 3, 2016 - A sure sign of an early winter, the bright green acorns and shiny Buckeye nuts have started falling from the native trees at Westbrook Wine Farm. This morning the temperature dipped into the 40s for the first time since last winter. We’ll soon be seeing the riotous fall foliage colors on both Fait Accompli and Museum vines. It’s a magical [...]


10th Annual Cabernet Shootout:

Silver & Gold!

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April 2015 Ray Krause interview with Rich Rodriguez

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LAurie's Vineyard

Laurie and Loren Freeman from Laurie's Vineyard

Madera Vintners Association "Wine Growers of the Year"  award recipients - Laurie's Vineyard grows our Sauvignon Blanc, Sauvignon Musque and Semillon field blend for our best-selling white wine, Savvy. We also have some very promising Laurie's Vineyard Barbera and Petite Sirah resting in barrel.  That's right, a Madera Barbera!

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Thank you for the link and another great time at your place.  Linda and I always enjoy our time with you.

Like I said, a visit with you is like an E ticket ride!.


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Subject: Why I love the Pink (Rosato Romantico) Because it tastes like vanilla and raspberries, with a hint of citrus. And there is a ferris wheel and carousel music in the background.
Thanks for making it.

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"So while we're at it. The 2009 Museum Red. I really like the structure of your reds. They remind me of Bordeaux in the front with some Cal. in the back."

Steven K. Mirassou

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Westbrook Wine Farm in Disneyland

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It's very rare that you get to sit with the winemaker himself and be educated, with great detail, about every nuance and decision that goes into making their wines.  I've never had an experience quite like this before. Ray is witty, patient, and bursting with knowledge when it comes to sharing his passion for winemaking. And the wines...everything we tasted was a delight to the palette. There's something here for everyone, but you have to go there to taste for yourself. You will not only leave here with a memorable experience, like we did, but you'll be leaving with a carload of wine and be telling your friends to visit, just as we did. So thankful we made an appointment! Enjoy!


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Westbrook Wine Farm on the radio:

Listen to the interview!

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Tonight, your Magnificent (Fait Accompli) Evolution waited a decade to perfectly lift all the flavor notes of our sautéed chard, leeks, roasted red beets, garlic and potatoes, and bleeding NY steaks. Great things happen to those who wait. I thank the heavens for your craft.

March 2014

Rickey's in Novato, CA

"We had a marvelous dinner at Rickey's in Novato - and you made it spectacular! Thank you!"

Jarel and Joan

Please enter our site to discover more ...

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A truly remarkable experience is awaiting you at Westbrook Wine Farm. Perhaps because we, as grower / winemakers, personally greet and pour for all of our visitors, all the time. Possibly, it's our stone fireplace and the rustic authenticity of our earth-bermed Foothill Barn style winery. It could even be our earned reputation for wines which will hold their own among the world's best. No doubt, your short trip through our wooded hillsides will help set the mood.

What we think you will find even more remarkable will not only be in front but, also alongside you. Young adults, seasoned citizens, expert and novice alike sharing their views and passion for good wine and good people. People like you, leisurely sharing civilized conversation and their wine experience with us. We are proud to admit that we have never had a guest with whom we would not wish to shake or hold hands. Truly remarkable!

Please call 559-868-3499 or email us at to secure your confirmed reservation. We are looking forward to meeting you.

Elevation: 1441 FT (439 M)

By Appointment Only. Must be 21. A non-smoking property.

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